Keeping the Bugs Away--Naturally!
If you're like me, you like the outdoors. But I don't like the bugs, and I don't like the heavy chemical laden bug sprays. So to my delight, I found this bug spray recipe that I'd like to share with you. Fox Farms in Joplin probably has the citronella oil, or you can order it online.

You might also want to test this on a small patch of your skin (and check it on your child, too) before using, just to make sure you tolerate it well.

2 c. witch hazel
1 1/2 t. citronella essential oil
1 T. apple cider vinegar

Combine into a 16 oz spray bottle. Shake vigorously before using. Requires no refrigeration. Apply liberally.
Lorraine | Mon, Feb 21, 2011, 06:26pm | LAN_THEME_20 |

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